Friday, April 3, 2009


I have been drawing since I could remember but one of my weakness to drawing was actually drawing portrait like images. To me, I don't like this style because it constricts the artist to making exactly what is seen and leaves little room for someones own interpretation.

I actually took this as a challenge. I always saw this as something I couldn't do instead as something I didn't want to do. This is a portrait of my cousin and my best friend.

I honestly remember taking a picture of them separately and when it came to drawing it out, it was as if I placed them sitting in the same room. This wasn't easy for me because I wasn't used to this type of style, however, I wanted to get it done because it represented a lot more than a piece of drawing.

This piece was done when I was 18. Now I look at it as a dedication to their memories.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to Choose?

I'm stuck between falling back and moving forward
This line stands before me and don't know what I'm going towards
Motivational mind; it's taking its course
Having nothing to say but still feeling no remorse
Fluently, my words come out of me
Questionable thoughts is the pain you refuse to see
As I put my pen on the paper, these thoughts just come out
The visual side is just a mirror of what it's all about

Friday, March 6, 2009

Time to Vent

"...Woke up this morning and text this in my phone..after I read what I wrote, I figure I dedicate this to ....someone who needs a minute"
Wake the **** up its a new start
You're gonna miss it
Wait what? Wait a minute, you got this whole thing twisted
I'm not ready to vent
But then again I just realized how my days are actually spent
I don't wanna let go of what was said
Or this frustration that's stuck in my head
Ticktock ticktock, you're gonna be late
What's the big deal? Why do you hesitate?
Can't believe you won't change
Its not about change, my thoughts just needs to be rearranged
How does that happen? Can you give me a hint?
You WAKE UP and breathe
instead of wasting your day simply by napping
Emotionally caught up and things just happen
But as we lose control
We ask ourselves
Just how the hell am I suppose to...let things go?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Find My Way"

I actually drew this when I was about 14 in high school. The theme of the project was called "Our Past, My Future." I got the idea of dividing two different worlds into one.

The outside of the box has these faces that represent everyone who judges you. Because of these judgements, it's hard to see past it because creates a brick wall that blocks your path.

Inside the box, it shows my future. it shows the wall being broken apart and being able to see past it all. At the end of the path, it shows the things that i like to do and in a way, these things help me move on.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Money Issues

My question is when did money become an issue instead of just a problem? Everyone should understand the difference but just in case you don't, a problem affects a number of people. An issue affects the majority and becomes a big deal. Hate to admit it, we're the majority. If you work, that's great. If you're getting money on the side, that's fine. If you're doing little favors here and there just to keep money in your pocket, you're doing what you can to get by. But is it enough? Most of us overwork ourselves in order to reach in our pockets or wallet and not pull out the pocket itself. It comes to the point that when we say "we're saving", actually means "we're breaking into our emergency funds." How is it we can save and save and save...and still find it hard to make ends meet? The majority of us are able to cover up how frustrated we are by smiling and acting as if everything's fine. We hold our composure to not show others that we are having money issues and how we're constantly thinking: Do I have enough money a metro, get some food, go out and take a break, going to the barber/salon, laundry or just to get something for myself? I can tell you, I'm one of those people. Are you?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Have A Clue of What's Being Said?

You wanna wrap up who you are into what you see. But what if the majority of the time, you don't know who you are.
You're keeping yourself from looking back because... who you were... is now too far
Living in a world full of battles and cries
Sin after sin reading what's hidden within those eyes
Becoming 2 deep makes it hard 2 pull away half the time
Falling six feet under these impressionable minds
One step forward two step taken back full of lies
Jeopardizing what's seen into these unbreakable ties
You can't go from here to where you wanna go without bumping your head a few times

Friday, February 6, 2009

Open Up

Everyone puts their life on the line.
But they dont understand why I dont open up.
Im living my life one lie at a time.
And sadly regretting the pain thats cutting me up.
Im taking everything I feel n sewing it inside me.
Slowly healing the scars, becoming ok again.
But am I really? Or am I jus delusional of what I see?
The words arent coming out, but Im not asking for a hand.
So instead of crying, my smile is hiding what I do.
Instead of staying, brushing the coldness off my heart.
Instead of telling how I am, I quickly react to turn the conversation on you.
But can I really keep up this game for long without it breaking me apart?
The issue isnt me opening up, but the way youll handle it, is.
Im keeping my thoughts n my emotions out of this.
But to tell the truth this is one turn that I couldnt help but miss.
Am I hurting you? Well, Im sorry. Ive been hurt for years.
But it isnt fair for me to bring you down with tears.
It becomes something you get use to n becomes harder to resist.
When, in fact, all it is is jus a long hurtful memory on my questioning list.
Accepting help, to me, doesnt exist.
Like I said, Im already use to this.
Hi, My name is Jazmine. Im losing my mind to an unfit life.
Im emotionally scared to what life is. And keeping my words locked inside.
Half the night, Ive wasted in sighs.
Then, wake up to choosing whats right.
Why cant I open up, to release all my tough times?
Because my words; have nothing between those lines.
This is life right now; it doesnt wait for you to get back on your feet.
No disappointments. Well, to myself.
So the things I feel are being covered up by an invisible sheet.
This is what I am. This is what I do.
So can you please let me breathe, n move on with n focus on you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


When a person draws or writes, they can have the tendency to lose themselves into their work. When I draw, I feel like I'm just letting go whatever emotion I'm going through. I draw for fun because it's a way of letting go without actually using words but through different drawings. I feel the same way when it comes to writing my thoughts on paper. I can be really upset, sad, bored and past the point of being fed up and let my emotions flow right out of me. When I see the finish product, I always seem to ask the same question, "Did I really come up with that?" This is how I let go...