Monday, February 23, 2009

Money Issues

My question is when did money become an issue instead of just a problem? Everyone should understand the difference but just in case you don't, a problem affects a number of people. An issue affects the majority and becomes a big deal. Hate to admit it, we're the majority. If you work, that's great. If you're getting money on the side, that's fine. If you're doing little favors here and there just to keep money in your pocket, you're doing what you can to get by. But is it enough? Most of us overwork ourselves in order to reach in our pockets or wallet and not pull out the pocket itself. It comes to the point that when we say "we're saving", actually means "we're breaking into our emergency funds." How is it we can save and save and save...and still find it hard to make ends meet? The majority of us are able to cover up how frustrated we are by smiling and acting as if everything's fine. We hold our composure to not show others that we are having money issues and how we're constantly thinking: Do I have enough money a metro, get some food, go out and take a break, going to the barber/salon, laundry or just to get something for myself? I can tell you, I'm one of those people. Are you?

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